The Cure Of Emphysema and Causes
The Cure Of Emphysema and Causes
The Cure Of Emphysema
The Cure Of Emphysema
Emphysema is the destruction of the walls of the alveoli.Its results in larger sacs but with less surface area for gaseous exchange.As lung tissue breaks down,the lungs do not come back to their original shape after exhalation.So air can not be pushed out and is trapped in the lungs.
i.Shortness of Breadth
iii.Recurrent Respiratory Infections
iv.Weight Loss
By the times the symptoms of emphysema appear,the patient ha usually lost50% to 70% of his/her lung tissue.The level of oxygen in blood may get so low that it causes serious complications.
The Cure Of Emphysema and Causes
Treatment and Prevention of Emphysema:
The Cure Of Emphysema and Causes
- The mechanism for prevention of Emphysema in α1-AT deficiency.
- Its also prevention by antioxidants.
- A novel antiapoptotic can role for α1-antitrypsin.
- Its can be prevented by pulmonary emphsema therapy.
- Treatment for emphysema also include Medicatons and Surgerry.
(The Cure Of Emphysema and Causes)
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