The Reproduction in Rabbit & male and female reproduction system
The Reproduction in Rabbit
The reproduction in Rabbit, Rabbits are small mammals found in several parts of the world.They are used in research as experimental animals.
For your information :
Rabbit reingest their own pallet- like faeces to digest their food further ans extract sufficient nutrients.
The reproductive system in Rabbit.
The reproductive system in Rabbit.
The reproduction in Rabbit Male reproductive system:
The reproduction in Rabbit male reproductive system of rabbit consists of a pair of testes that produce sperms, the associated ducts that transport sperm to external genitalia and glands that add secretions to sperms.
Testes is located in a bag of skin called the scrotum that hangs below the body.Each testis consists of a mass of coiled tubes called the seminiferous tubules.In these tubules the sperms are formed.
The reproduction in Rabbit sperms are mature,they accumulate in the collecting ducts of testes and then passed to epididimys. From epididimys sperms move to a sperm called vas deferens.Both sperms ducts join urethra just below urinary bladder.The urethra transport both sperm and urine.
Semen is material containing sperms in a fluid.It consists of 10% sperms and 90% fluid. As the sperms pass down the ducts from testes to urethra the associated glands add various secretions. Seminal vesicles produce secretions that provide nutrients for sperms. Prostate gland produces a secretion that neutralizes the acidity of the fluid. Cowper's glands produces secretions that lubricate the ducts.
The reproduction in Rabbit, Female reproductive system:
The Reproduction in Rabbit female Reproductive system of Rabbit consists of ovaries and associated ducts. Ovaries are small organs situated in abdominal cavity just ventral to kidneys.Like most animals, female rabbits have a pair of ovaries. the outer region of ovary produces egg cells . a cluster of specialized cells called follicle surround and nourishes each egg cell.From ovaries egg cells are released in a fallopian tubes.
The production in rabbies, opening of fallopian tubes lies close to ovary.The uterus of rabbit is divided into two separate parts or horns.The uterus horns join and open into vagina or birth canal.Cervix is the portion of uterus , which separates it form birth canal, where sperms of mail are deposited.
(The Reproduction in Rabbit)
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