Asthma-cure and symptoms
Asthma-cure and symptoms
Asthma is the form of allergy,in which there is inflammation of the bronchi,more mucous production and narrowing of the air ways. In asthma patients,bronchi and bronchioles become sensitive to different allergens (allergy causing factors ).
- Smoke
- perfumes
- pollens etc.
Asthma-cure and symptoms
When exposed to any of such allergens,the sensitive air ways show immediate and excessive response of constriction .In this condition the patient feels difficulty in breathing.
The symptoms of asthma vary from person to person.
The major symptoms include shortness of breathe (especially with exertions or at night),Wheezing(whistling sound when breathing out),cough and chest tightness.
Asthma-cure and symptoms
The chemicals with ability to dilate the bronchi and bronchioles are used in the treatment of asthma. Such medicines is given in the form of inhalers.
It is also can be treated with steroids and Anti-inflammatory drugs.
(Asthma-cure and symptoms)
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